Via – Demand TransformationThe House Judiciary Committee passed a bill yesterday that would make it a federal crime for U.S. residents to discuss or plan activities on foreign soilShow original
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Demand Transformation There has been a lot said about the lack of vision, lack of specific demands, and a disparity of beliefs and goals among the Occupy Wall Street protesters in the media in the past several weeks. A survey of the protestors shows that none of these criticisms are true.Show original
Michael Lind who I thought would know better keeps writing these articles that show he’s totally clueless about modern technology and how it interacts with business and society. His latest blunder is an article in Salon: Who’s afraid of the AT&T merger? American antitrust law is a relic of 19th century agrarian populism I can only suspect that his organization,…
There are sometimes web ui services on EC2 instances that are only accessible via the AWS private IP addresses. The one I run into most are the WebUI of HBase and Hadoop. There are probably many others. Running a Socks Proxy Tunnel to an EC2 server On your local system you will need to run an ssh socks tunnel. On most…
I’m mostly using Ruby to write Opscode Chef Cookbooks. There are a lot of hashes of hashes that contain attributes or Data Bags. Things that look like: If I wanted to test if this value is set I couldn’t safely just say: because in some cases or may be nil . If ether of those were nil and I execute…
My fingers still tend to do ps ax | grep some_program_name_I_want_to_kill and then do a kill 2012 to kill that process. Then I remember that I could use pgrep and/or pkill to do the same kind of thing. But then I remember I’m on a Mac which doesn’t have those commands built in, though most other *nix platforms do. So…