Via – Creating the FutureThere have been so many articles posted on Steve Jobs in the past week, I really thought I wasn’t going to add one here on my blog.However, yesterday, John Lilly wrote a great piece on Steve JoJobs yesterday, and I realized I might have a story worth telling after all. I find myself fortunate, in…
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Demand TransformationEx-official says anti-drug agency rubber-stamped Big Pharma’s requests to increase Oxycodone production… Its clear that Criminal/Corporate Drug Lords completely control the US Gov’t. From keeping Marijuanna illegal to Patents, protecting Drug pusher’s monopoly.Show original
Via – Demand Transformation We’ve been covering for a while now how Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall have been very concerned over the secret interpretation the feds have of one piece of the PATRIOT Act. They’ve been trying to pressure the government into publicly…Show original
Via – Demand TransformationA look at why there is so much hysteria over the Wall Street protests…. What’s going on here? The answer, surely, is that Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe realize, deep down, how morally indefensible their position is.Show original
Via – Creating the FutureI didn’t want to do a strip about Steve Jobs. I knew a lot of people would do tribute strips and I also knew that the newspaper editorial cartoonists would mail in the same trite crap they always do. And they did. In spades. I didn’t want to add to that noise.Show original
Via – Demand Transformation Tiny Inc., a Santa Rosa, Calif.-based Internet provider with about 36,000 customers, not only fought a secret court order for information from a WikiLeaks supporter, but also spoke out about it.Show original