Via – Demand TransformationThe mission of the Coffee Party is to fight the Cycle of Corruption, and restore self-governance to the People. To do so, we must achieve 1. Campaign finance reform2. Wall Street reform3. Tax code reformShow original
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Demand Transformation Advocates of campaign finance reform say the protesters in New York and elsewhere have, in recent weeks, brought the question of corporate influence closer to the front burner of national discourse, adding fresh momentum …Show original
Via – Demand Transformation We’re greeting President Obama at his high-dollar fundraiser in San Francisco with a big rally to deliver a simple message: It’s time for the change you promised – you must stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.Show original
Via – Demand TransformationThe Justice Department shifts course and goes after California’s lucrative pot industry…The only reason that an administration would go down this path is that they have been bribed by the Drug Kingpins to protect the Illegal Drug trade and destroy competion. See original
Via – Demand Transformation E-mails obtained through a government sunshine request show top government officials were deeply involved in secret negotiations about ISPs punishing Americans accused of illegal file sharing.Show original
Via – Internet of the absurdNEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – Millions of Americans cheered the news on Friday that arrests had finally been made on Wall Street, but were soon disappointed to learn that the wrong people had been taken into custody.Show original