Via – Demand TransformationProgressives believe in openness, equal opportunity, and tolerance. Progressives assume we’re all in it together: We all benefit from public investments in schools and health care and infrastructure. And we all do better with strong safety nets, reasonable constraints on Wall Street and big business, and a truly progressive tax system. Progressives worry when the rich…
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Demand Transformation The full story, in charts….The problem in a nutshell is this: Inequality in this country has hit a level that has been seen only once in the nation’s history, and unemployment has reached a level that has been seen only once since the Great Depression. And, at the same time, corporate profits are at a…
Via – Demand TransformationAnyone who expressed difficulty seeing or understanding what motivates these protests revealed many things about themselves. None is flattering. The only thing that’s surprising is that these protests didn’t happen sooner and that they’re not more widespread and intense.Show original
Via – Demand Transformation From the moment the so-called “voluntary” six strikes agreement between the RIAA/MPAA and various ISPs came out, it was obvious that the Obama administration, in the form of VP Joe Biden’s office and IP Czar Victoria Espinel, were…Show original
Via – Demand Transformation Here is an interesting interactive tool that lets you look at different year ranges based upon societal gains in income, and how they got…Show original
Via – Demand Transformation Meet Occupy Wall Street’s decentralized IT department.Show original