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Cognizant Transmutation

W. enters my wife’s schoolboard race

Via – Demand Transformation Our family gets a close-up look of how big money has taken over politics — even at the local level…Show original

Robot Builds Itself With Foam : Discovery News

Via – Creating the FutureThe Modular Robotics Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, in a project led by Shai Revzen, has created a robot that can be assembled from foam that hardens and pieces that allow the robot to move. The “foambot” looks ungainly, and it is. But once you have a shape — and a task — in…

Student loan debts crush an entire generation

Via – Demand Transformation Hyped like subprime mortgages, school loans now run to hundreds of billions with no relief in sight…Show original

Fired NPR host sees “McCarthyism”

Via – Demand Transformation OWS supporter Lisa Simeone says she was dismissed after right-wing attacks…   “I said, ‘Can you explain how?’” Simeone went on. “Scott Simon writes Op-Eds. Cokie Roberts [is paid] tens of thousand of dollars in fees talking to business groups. Moira Ellison goes on Fox TV to express her opinions. They all report on the…