Via – Creating the Future The CIA’s invention of Facebook has saved the government millions of dollars.Show original
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Creating the FutureHouse To Repeal Law that cracked down on taxes owed by deadbeat government contractors. The law requires federal, state and local governments to withhold 3 percent of their payments to contractors to encourage the full payment of taxes. It is to take effect in 2013.Show original
Via – Demand TransformationGOP lawmakers and business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Mining Association want to steal US Tonto National Forest and give it to a Foreign Foreign Mining CompanyShow original
Via – Creating the Future Today’s groundbreaking entry into the Uncanny Valley is a pair of mechanical, robot legs that are propelled entirely by their own weight: they can walk with a human-like gait without motors or external control.Show original
Via – Demand TransformationThe astronomer and author, Carl Sagan, attributed numerous insights to marijuana and has defended this inspiration from those who call it illusory. The psychologist, Susan Blackmore, has written, “I can honestly say that without cannabis, most of my scientific research would never have been done and most of my books on psychology and evolution would not…
Via – Demand TransformationPeople have asked, so what are the demands? What are the demands all of these people are making? Either they say there are no demands and that leaves your critics confused, or they say that the demands for social equality and economic justice are impossible demands. And the impossible demands, they say, are just not practical.…