Via – Demand Transformation For the first time since the Great Depression, the majority of Americans favor wealth redistribution…Show original
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Demand TransformationA fast, easy, free, and non-violent way to drive the big banks out of their greedy little minds is sitting in your mailbox right now. You just don’t know it …Show original
Via – Demand TransformationA fast, easy, free, and non-violent way to drive the big banks out of their greedy little minds is sitting in your mailbox right now. You just don’t know it …Show original
Via – Demand TransformationThe crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States.Show original
Via – Demand Transformation The weight of the 1 Percent has become intolerable. How can we take our country back?Show original
Via – Demand TransformationWe have a list of demands: Super Committee members should voluntarily disclosure their campaign contributions and lobbying contacts, hold open meetings, and post their recommendations 72 hours before the final committee vote. We’ve joined forces with the Sunlight Foundation and 30 other organizations to “Haunt the House” on Halloween. We’re gathering at key Super Committee members’…