Via – Creating the Future The results could be an initial step toward generating viable, transplantable human organs.Via
Cognizant Transmutation
Via – Demand Transformation Bloomberg joins Republicans in claiming Congress “forced” banks to give bad loans. “Bank A (let’s say it’s Goldman, Sachs) lends criminal enterprise B (let’s say it’s Countrywide) a billion dollars. Countrywide then … creates a billion dollars of shoddy home loans, committing any and all kinds of fraud along the way in an effort…
Via – Demand Transformation The next generation of political fact checking will offer humor and quicker turnarounds without further propagating the underlying deception.Via
Via – Demand Transformation I don’t think we have performed without microphones for a long time, Graham Nash said with a laugh this afternoon as a van carried him and David Cro…Via
Via – Creating the FutureThe evidence from the most dynamic and critical markets in wireless communications suggests that unlicensed wireless technologies have been underrated in the regulatory calculus. Future spectrum policy debates, in particular those surrounding TV band auctions and reallocation of federal spectrum, should secure an adequate development path for unlicensed technologies, devices, and services at least as…
Via – Demand Transformation Not $1, $2 or even $3 billion… According to ABC News, In October alone Credit Unions around the country gained 650,000 new customers and $4.5 billion was moved out of major banks.Via