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Cognizant Transmutation

Occupy Wall Street takes a new direction: It’s an “open-source” movement

Via – Demand Transformation“The occupation is incredibly important as a symbol, as an organizing platform and as a model,” said another active participant, Max Berger. “But ultimately the impact the movement will have is a result of organizing that takes place outside the park.”   “The way it works is, right now we have a set of tactics and…

Hollywood’s New War on Software Freedom and Internet Innovation

Via – Demand TransformationIn this new bill, Hollywood has expanded its censorship ambitions. No longer content to just blacklist entries in the Domain Name System, this version targets software developers and distributors as well.   It allows the Attorney General (doing Hollywood or trademark holders’ bidding) to go after more or less anyone who provides or offers a product…

U.S. takes the lead on behalf of continued use of cluster bombs

Via – Demand Transformation After long refusing to join the convention banning these weapons, Obama now works to overturn it…   More evidence that Obama is as bad or worse than Cheney/Bush in terms of war crimes and anti-civil libertiesVia

Meet the new death dealers

Via – Demand TransformationAs the Internet transforms the weapons trade, Beijing is becoming a massive player — and we should be scared… Of course the US is still the #1 supplier of Death Tech to the World and has no moral standing to try to stop it.Via