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Cognizant Transmutation

Occupy Lulz – Boing Boing

Via – Internet of the absurdTags: comedy, lol, LULZ, meme, occupy wall street, ows, photoshopVia

If Clarence Thomas Was Not Justice Thomas He’d Likely be Behind Bars

Via – Demand Transformation   Earl Ofari Hutchinson If Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was not Justice Thomas but an ordinary Thomas he’d be behind bars.   A cursory checklist of Thomas’s financial manipulations, abuse, and duplicity, and outright illegality complete with the legal statues and codes that he’s violated confirm his made man tag, meaning hands off from…

SpaceX 1 visionary + 3 launchers + 1,500 employees = ?

Via – Creating the FutureAs advertised on the company’s Web site, a Falcon 9 launch costs an average of $57 million, which works out to less than $2,500 per pound to orbit.   That’s significantly less than what other U.S. launch companies typically charge, and even the manufacturer of China’s low-cost Long March rocket (which the U.S. has banned…

The Icelandic Model of Handling Debt Crises: Make the Banks Fail and the Creditors Pay

Via – Demand Transformation Iceland’s reactions to its banking crisis offers lessons both for Greece and Occupy Wall Street protesters.   Iceland, in 2009, did what Greece would like to do now: it let its banks fail, and told their creditors to take a hike.   Two years on, Iceland’s economy is recovering, while Greece and Ireland and other…

America Edges to Brink of Armed Police Drones – Miller-McCune

Via – Demand TransformationA county north of Houston made news in Europe at the end of October by taking delivery of a new “weaponizable” drone, a squat remote-controlled helicopter called a ShadowHawk that can fire Tasers or beanbags at people on the ground.Via

Daily Kos: Confirmed: Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) coordinating Occupy raids

Via – Demand TransformationBut a little-known but influential private membership based organization has placed itself at the center of advising and coordinating the crackdown on the encampments. The Police Executive Research Forum, an international non-governmental organization with ties to law enforcement and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has been coordinating conference calls with major metropolitan mayors and police…