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Wow: Intel unveils 1 teraflop chip with 50-plus cores

Via Scoop.itCreating the Future

Then I saw Intel’s latest — a 1 teraflop chip, with more than 50 cores, that Intel unveiled today, running it on a test machine at the SC11 supercomputing conference in Seattle.   “In 15 years that’s what we’ve been able to do. That is stupendous. You’re witnessing the 1 teraflop barrier busting,” Rajeeb Hazra, general manager of Intel’s technical computing group, said at an unveiling ceremony. (He holds up the chip here)   Intel had the test system set up behind closed doors — on a coffee table in a hotel suite at the Grand Hyatt, and wouldn’t allow reporters to take pictures of the setup.   Nor would the company specify how many cores the chip has — just more than 50 — or its power requirement.