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Chris Dodd’s paid SOPA crusading

Via Scoop.itDemand Transformation

Its time to publicly investigate, press charges and aggressively prosecute all Corporate Cronies and their puppetiers who are in conflict with their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution and have been acting with treason against the American People.   Chris Dodd, 3-decade senator who vowed not to lobby, is now the top paid advocate for an Internet censorship bill…   …last March that Dodd would “be Hollywood’s leading man in Washington, taking the most prestigious job on K Street”: Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), “whose perks include a $1.2 million-a-year salary and getting to attend the Academy Awards ceremony.”   In his SOPA advocacy, Dodd has resorted to holding up Chinese censorship as the desired model, mouthing the slogans of despots, and even outright lying. Like virtually all extremist, oppressive bills backed by large industry, SOPA and PIPA have full bipartisan support; among its co-sponsors are Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy and GOP Rep. Lamar Smith, with many Senators from both parties in support and Harry Reid pushing it forward (to its credit, the White House expressed opposition to several of the worst provisions, though has not yet issued a veto threat).