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Posts published in “How the World Works”

Why inequality in America is even worse than you thought

Via – Demand TransformationA new study shows economic and social conditions in the U.S. are at the bottom of the OECD countries.   U.S. ranks 27 out of 31 in OECD Social Justice Index, just below Italy, Spain & Portugal and only above Turkey, Chile and MexicoShow original

You Say You Want a Revolution

Via – Demand Transformation Andrew Sullivan: How I learned to love the ‘goddam hippies’—and why their protests aren’t going to end.Show original

How OWS confuses and ignores Fox News and the pundit class.

Via – Demand Transformation I confess to being driven insane this past month by the spectacle of television pundits professing to be baffled by the meaning of Occupy Wall Street. Good grief. Isn’t the ability to read still a job requirement for a career in journalism?Show original

How Occupy has shifted the national debate – Boing Boing

Via – Demand TransformationPrior to Occupy Wall Street, the dominant narrative in US politics was about debt and deficit reduction, and the attendant austerity measures that entailed. A study of keywords from network newscasts shows that the national policy discussion has shifted in the wake of the Occupy demonstrations, with an increased emphasis on unemployment and fairnessShow original

Egyptians march from Tahrir Square to support Occupy Oakland protestors – Boing Boing

Via – Demand TransformationAs they vowed earlier this week to do, Egyptian pro-democracy protesters marched from Tahrir square to the U.S. Embassy today to march in support of Occupy Oakland—and against police brutality witnessed in Oakland on Tuesday night, and commonly experienced in Egypt.Show original