Via – Creating the Future Ultra-Orthodox groups have grown more aggressive than ever in their efforts to keep women out of the public sphere…Via
Posts published in “Demand Transformation”
To get a future worth living, you must Demand Transformation
Via – Creating the FutureA book by Clay Johnson… With this book, you’ll learn: * The relationship between power, authority, and information since the dawn of the first major information-technology boom * How people react to information consumption, according to cognitive science and neuroscience findings * How the new, information-abundant society is suffering consequences from poor information consumption…
Via – Creating the FutureNew research published today in the journal Science suggests it may be possible to decoded fMRI neurofeedback to learn to play a piano, reduce mental stress or hit a curve ball with little or no conscious effort. It’s the kind of thing seen in Hollywood’s “Matrix” franchise.Via
Via – Creating the FutureSpaceX, a private company, will make a trial cargo run to the International Space Station in February, a key step in a new U.S. To encourage commercial cargo runs, NASA has hired SpaceX and a second company, Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp. to fly cargo to the space station, a $100 billion project of 16…
Via – Demand TransformationWith the House having voted 406-17 to “close” portions of the meetings and avoid public scrutiny, members from both chambers and both parties are meeting in a secretive conference committee to work on reconciling the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. On the military detention provision, their main task is going…
Via – Demand Transformation Just what Americans yearn for: A high-tech presidential ticket funded by secret Wall Street money… This is a brilliant play by the 1% to deflect political changed. If you want a cool organization to check out see http://unitedrepublic.orgVia